Friday, August 20, 2010

I don't think it can get any better!!

I don't even know where to start. What a beautiful day! We slept 7 and a half hours straight last night, I can't believe it. With the help of some tylenol PM we are feeling like a million bucks today! We got around, got some pastries (YUM) and headed for the BH. When we got there Selah ran to us again. We took her to clean up and then went straight outside. Before we left her room I took her down to go potty. Brad had already left for outside but she didn't know and when we passed her room, she pointed in there and said "papa???" I was blown away that she was already looking for him!! It melted my heart more than words can say!

Outside we realized she pretty much hates the swing but loves the slide and loves to walk around holding our hands! We also got to play with her group and figured out that she was telling all the kids I was " her momma". I picked up another little girl and she did not like it AT ALL. She started to cry for me to pick her up and then hit the little girl after I put her down. While I know it is wrong, I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!

I also realized today (as I sit here now and write - I feel a lump in my throat) it is going to tear my heart out to leave her here!! More than I can even imagine! The best part is she likes her caregiver and I have seen her interact with her God mom, it is beautiful and they love her!
We are enjoying our time here. We saw Ayman and Yarik yesterday. We ate at our favorite chinese resturant last night! I love Kaz! Truly a huge piece of my heart is here! I am so glad to be back and so grateful for what this country has given us!


  1. melted my heart reading about her looking for Brad.

  2. I know that lump in your throat! It hurts so good! I am so glad she knows you and her Papa!

  3. Of course she loves her daddy...what an angel.
    and YUM on that Chinese restaurant.
    Hey, if you have time and are shopping....if you can find a Matroshka doll that looks like Leeza, or any christmas ornaments (the matroshka dolls like i think you got) and can fit them in your suitcase, I'd be grateful. I didn't find any christmas ormanments at the Tsum. LOVE YA.
