Monday, October 11, 2010


IS THE BIG DAY. We were prepped for court today are feeling pretty positive and excited at this point. Brad has his speech in his head and I just have to talk about how much I already love her and tell them that I will be the best mommy in the world to her. Easy, Easy, I don't even have to write it down!!

Brad and I decided that is was better for Selah to not see her this trip. We talked about it and prayed about it for a long time and decided that if there was 1% chance it could affect her in a bad way, was it worth it? We decided NO, it was not worth it. I cried this morning knowing I was 2 hours from my baby girl and I wasn't going to see her, but the mommy in me wants to protect her heart from any hurt and they said she was sad after we left last time,. No way do we want to be the reason for her sadness. So, I am sure most of you think we are crazy, but we did what we thought was best for Selah. Next time we see her now will be Forever and she will never have to be sad about us leaving again!!

Please pray for us tomorrow, pray a postive outcome, pray for the judge and prosecuters soft heart, pray for Selah as she waits. Thank you all. We will let you know as soon as we do!!!


  1. We will be thinking & praying for you two tomorrow. I think not seeing her was the wisest choice, you are much stronger than me to not go see her.

  2. I'll be thinking of you guys. You made the right choice for you...Selah is older and it's okay. You will have her home with you soon!

    I am so sorry to miss you...yet Almaty!! I was looking for advice from a pro!

    Enjoy your time together! Lisa

  3. I wish a lot more parents had their children's well being in mind. I'm seeing this a lot now that Ethiopia had gone to a two trip system. Parents will go over on the first trip (court), and take their chidren out of the care center to live with them or a few days and then bring them back once court is over with. So sad! I get the really good intentions, but generally these are first time AP's and don't realize (or believe) the pain it brings these infants and toddlers over each abandonment- real or not.

    I will be saying lots of prayers for you tonight! Can't wait to hear how it went.

  4. I'll be praying! I completely understand why you are not seeing her. She's Alea's age and it would really negatively impact Alea right now for me to do that, and I've had her home for two years. Their little hearts are so precious and fragile. It won't be long now until she is forever yours!!

  5. We are praying for you and Brad and Selah!!! It won't be long before she is yours FOREVER!!!

  6. I'm totally thinking about you and praying court goes well as I'm sure it will. You are doing the right thing and will be home and back again in a flash to bring her home forever! It is better for her although so hard for you but she doesn't even know what she is missing right now.
    You might even be at court right now!!! Sending happy thoughts to the judge :)

  7. Thinking and praying for you!

  8. Good Luck in court! We are ALL praying for all 3 of you! Have a safe trip home! God Bless! Jim & Darlene

  9. I am go happy to hear that Selah has found her family and that Balnur has hope of finding one too. God does work thru you Stacy..and it's so beautiful to see. I am so glad that I am in your life to witness the miracles that he bestows to those who chooose to give back.
