Tuesday, October 5, 2010

God always shows up on time

I was missing Sweet Selah so much this morning. Wondering what to do when we got for court. Do we go see her and risk her being traumatized about us leaving again? Do we not see her and let her memory of us fade away? I don't know what to do. All of my heart wants to see her when we go even if it is for 2 minutes, BUT is it worth it? Is it worth her always wondering when we are going to leave again. I want the next time I see her to be FOREVER! I am afraid we will cause more damage than do good if we go see her. See she is not a baby (not that I think babies aren't traumatized) But she is 3. She knows we left, she knows we haven't been there for 4 weeks today. Am I fooling myself that she will be sad if we leave her again? The mother in me does not "hope" she misses us, but I "hope" she remembers us and doesn't think we are always going to leave. So I was feeling all of us these emotions this morning and then I got these.....

And then my heart felt better. I cried when I saw them, because I miss her so but I know she is happy! The lady that sent them to me said this:
"She looked great and so independent. I told her that Mommy and Daddy loved her and I gave her a big kiss for you!"
Oh God, thank you for showing your perfect timing!


  1. awww, I wouldn't know what to do either. oh man...that is a hard choice to make! How great that you got new pictures, she is such a sweetie, I can't wait until she is HOME forever. ((hugs))

  2. CUTE new photos! I love how she is holding the truck! What is it with those Karakastek girls and trucks?!?! ;)

  3. I've got chills and am crying with you!! What a wonderful blessing to have these!! God is so Awesome! Praying for safe travels for you!

  4. awwww, she does look happy. She looked happier with you guys though. SOON SOON SOON!

  5. her eyes just slay me-she is so beautiful. Have to admit though I laughed out loud at he picture on the swing. Pure Joy. She is going to be so much fun for you.

  6. OH Stacy. My goodness what a moment. She is SO BEAUTIFUL and shining and that smile! And I totally understand the conflict over whether to visit or not. Oy vey that poor child. God is Great and you're gonna get her out forever soon! SOON! XOXOXO LOVE YOU!

  7. so precious... praying you will know what to do... hugs...

  8. I can see why your heart would be torn and why. Thank goodness for God's perfect time. The expression on the swing is hilarious, heartwarming.......I can't wait to see more like that but with her family in the background!! Some how I'm thinking Haven might have met her match, :) I love Haven, so I say that with a smile on my face.
