Thursday, August 26, 2010

Our hearts our full!!

That is the best way I can explain our days with Selah! She is opening up more and more each day. By the time we leave we will have 20 full days of bonding. I can't even imagine how open she will be then. While I love the bonding time, I hate that the rules of the country have changed and that we have to leave after that many days with her!! We are praying hard for a fast court date! The estimation is 4 weeks after bonding for court and then 4 weeks after that, pick her up. I know those 2 and a half months will never go fast enough. We asked the BH director today when she thought we could come get her she said november. Praying she is right!!!!!! We also asked why they don't tell her and she said that so many families have "visited" with her then decided not to adopt her and that it was traumatic for her. Talk about rip my heart out!! I am sooooo glad that they passed her up but talk about sad. I can't imagine what my baby girl has been through in her short little life.

She is blossoming daily, it is almost as if we can see her grow and flourish before our eyes ! I can't imagine how fast she will grow and flourish when she is home with the proper nutrition.

She LOVES her daddy and if he gets too far away she stops and goes to get him. Four different times today when we were walking and he stopped, she asked to get down to go and get him. She ran to him then made sure he was coming then came back to me and asked to be picked up. She is really attached to me. She loves to get up and lay on my shoulder, She loves to give us kisses, and she loves to eat. She is talking up a storm to us and we have no idea what she is saying. LOL. But she is already saying stuff in english. Hi daddy and bye bye are her main ones that she uses properly. Her gross motor skills are not so good yet, I'm sure because they don't run and play outside much. But her fine motor skills are unbelievable!! She can hold a pen and draw circles, she can eat with both hands, she can pick lint and a hair off of her clothes. She also can whip anyone in her group. I am going to try to post video tonight of her bossing all of the kids around. I think she will have some tough competition with Haven when she gets home!! LOL!! She is an absolute JOY, funny, sweet and a total Godsend!!!

Brad and I were talking today about how BEAUTIFUL the women are here. For every 5 foot you walk , you see at least 4 supermodels. No lie! They are everywhere. Everytime I turn around I see one that looks like Haven, but not any that look like Selah. She has a very distinct look. More like an Uzbek or a Kryrgy

We ate at Soho tonight which is an "american grill". I had nachos, Brad had fish sticks. It was great! Not quiet as "american" as they think but plenty good!!

We are finally in our new apartment and have good internet so I can post more pictures! Enjoy! Thank you all for the prayers and please keep them coming!!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. I have enjoying these blogs so much :) thanks!!! I feel like I am getting to know little Selah with you!!!

  2. Selah sounds like such a sweet heart!!!!! Give her hugs for us.
    I can't wait for more pictures of Miss Selah!

  3. The Soho was the first place I ever ate a taco, for real. Hahahahahaha!

    LOVE all the new pictures! Selah is beautiful and yep, I predict Haven being a little put off by the new sister. :) She and Josh can write a book about being middle children! LOLOL!

    Can Selah still say Kim?!?! :-)

  4. Love all the pictures & the videos. I laughed at the one of her bossing the other kids, LOL!! Too funny. :)

    I also loved seeing so many of the kids outside! I am really happy to see that they took Ischa out & the other 1-2 year olds. They so need that!

  5. The women are beautiful there, but, um, so is Ms. america. They are all probably staring at YOU.
    I love that sweet Selah is attaching so quickly and wow, her fine motor skills are amazing! I reckon she has to be fiesty to survive. Haven will set her straight in no time. :)
