Friday, August 27, 2010

How did we ever get so lucky??

We had a good night at our new apartment. It is nice to finally have real internet and a bed that has an actual mattress. LOLOL. We thought we would be able to get netflix here but nope " we are out of the US territory and we can't view movies"! I was so ready for a good movie. Oh well, next time I will throw some movies in. Haha.

We got up about 5am today. It is getting later. We feel good though! We got in the car with our CRAZY driver. He is by far the worst driver we have had yet. I have been here 4 times and this is the most scared I have been. The first 3 days we were here we had a good driver, now it is awful! Everyday I think I am going to have at least 20 heart attacks!! Seriously! Brad is thinking about telling our coordinator we need a new one. We will see.

Our visit with Selah was awesome again. She didn't run to us today at first, she just walked but still happy to see us. Daddy was first of course, then straight to mommy. I think we are more of the "food" people. Hahaha. She comes and sits right down and opens the bag to see what is inside. Today she ate a big yogurt, a whole glass of pediasure, a huge helping of Plov ( rice, meat, carrot), a candy bar and a cookie all within 2 hours. I don't know how she didn't throw up and have no idea where she put it. I guess we will continue to feed her what she wants until they tell us she was sick.

She was so cute today dancing to the music of the Barney book. I took a video of it! So sweet!!! I'm telling you the next 3 months are going to be the longest 3 months of my life. I am praying that she is not traumatized by us leaving. She is so calm and loves to sit on our laps. We even had a breakthrough with the swing. She sat on it herself and started to swing a little. She also sat on my lap on the swing and let me swing it slowly. Building trust! I brought the ergo to see if she would like it, she did and asked to get back in it several times. Her and I walked for about 10 minutes by ourselves while I sang to her in the ergo. She laid her head on my shoulder as I sang. She also knows what give daddy a kiss means. It is too cute!
It is getting harder for me to leave but she still doesn't seem to affected by it so that is all that matters.

We are now off to get a doner kabob for early supper. It is starting to feel like groundhog day around here! LOL

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. i so love the picS, she is such a pretty sweet girl. LOVE YA, MISS YA

  2. Yes! Finally CANDY BARS and COOKIES!!!

  3. Loving these pictures and reports, and even your comment "It is getting harder for me to leave but she still doesn't seem to affected by it so that is all that matters." Sounds like a true momma to care more about the child than the momma's own heart! We love you guys and pray for you and know God is working!!!

  4. I LOVE the pictures! I love that she laid her head on your shoulder while you sang! That is so sweet!
    I can imagine it has to be hard leaving her every day- I remember thinking oh just 10 more minutes! Soon she will be yours forever. Hugs!

  5. What great pictures today! It's hard to see what a petite little girl she is when she's by herself, but it's easy to see when she's in the Ergo. I'm glad she's loving it!
